Telegram chat is one of the popular messaging app. e-mkatb now has an integration with Telegram which will enable you to receive admin notification generated by the system. These notifications are based on actions that takes place in e-maktab, for example get notified if a new student is created on the system or if a new application form was submitted by a parent.
Login to Telegram web app:
Open a browser and type in the following url - you may need to scan the barcode from your Telegram mobile app, its under Settings > Devices > Link Desktop Device
Create a group:
Create a telegram group and add in the people that would you like along with the emaktab_bot. If you want to use an existing group just add the emaktab_bot into the existing group.
For example create a group where all maktab admin(s) are members so that everyone can be notified about the actions.
Add the emaktab bot:
You MUST have the emaktab_bot in a group or channel where you want to receive the notifications.
How to get the chat ID:
Once Logged in with your account to Telegram web select the Telegram group. Then, in the URL of your web browser you should see something similar to
. Then, the ID you need to use for the Telegram group is -XXXXXXXXX
, where each X character represents a number. Remember to include the minus symbol preceding the numbers.
Finally, for private channels in Telegram, select the private channel in Telegram web. Then, in the URL of your web browser you should see something similar to
. Here, the ID you need to use for the private channel is -100YYYYYYYYYY
. That is, you need to include a 100 between the minus symbol and the YYYYYYYYYY
In e-maktab
login to your e-maktab account as an admin and click on the Settings (cog icon on the left) > Telegram.
Click on the Enable Telegram Integration button to enable the integration.
Enter in the chat ID you copied for your group that you would like to send the notifications to. Select what kind of notification you would like to receive and click on submit to save the changes.
Now depending on what kind of notification you selected every time there is creation of new student for example e-maktab will send a notification to your Telegram group.
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