The surah card is a great way to keep track of surahs for each student. You no longer need to remember who completed or memorised which surahs. e-maktab has made this very easy by introducing the surah card feature.
Once again we have kept the use of this feature very simple and effortless with a few clicks you can record/update a students surah.
When adding a surah to a student's surah card, you simply select the surah name from the left hand side and click on Add to card button (orange).
And if the student has completed or memorised a surah you can simply click in the relevant checkboxes and save. On the left hand side you will also see a quick summary of how many surahs the student has completed or memorised so you don't have to count, we have done that work for you!
Only admins can create the surahs. Teachers and supervisors will be able to add the surahs to the student's surah card but will not have permission to create a new surah. So the admin needs to make sure all the surahs are added in the system.
The surah card for a student can be accessed from any part of the system where there is a list of students. To view a student's surah card you'll need to click on the action button menu and click on Surah Card.
When viewing a student's profile the surah card link will be under the menu with the 3 dots.
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