If you need to log a student's authorised absent please follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Login to your maktab system
STEP 2: Click on Students icon or use the search at the top to search for the student
STEP 3: View the student's profile
STEP 4: click on the 3 dots icon on the right hand side
STEP 5: Click on log authorised Absent
STEP 6: Select the classroom you're logging the authorised absent for
When you select a date the cell will be highlighted in yellow, the dates highlighted in purple indicates already saved dates for the authorised absent.
STEP 7: Select the dates of when this student will be absent for and click on save
Now when a teacher views the attendance register for that classroom for the marked dates that student will be shown in purple, which will indicate that this student is authorised absent, the teacher SHOULD NOT click on P A L values for this student unless the student is back or it was a mistake.
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