e-maktab enables you to import bulk data using a CSV file. We have enabled CSV import on parents, students and teachers.
To import all your payments follow the steps below:
Create a CSV file with the following headers.
see below the option for each of the fields:
student_id = The id of the student, you can find this by viewing a students profile
amount = The amount e.g 10 (please do not include any currency symbol)
payment_type = choose from the following:
cash, cheque, card, bank transfer, direct debit
payment_for = fees
paid_on = The date the payment was made on e.g 08-06-2022
paid = true if payment is paid, false if not
Once you're happy with your file save the file as CSV format and upload it to the payment section on e-makatb.
Login > Click on Payments menu > Click on Import Payments button
Select the CSV file by click on the choose file button and click on the Import button to import the data.
If you see the following error after clicking on the import
This means the first 3 rows of the CSV file have been imported successfully but the system stopped when it reached row 4 and the issue in row 4 is that the amount field is blank.
You will have to reimport your CSV after correction BUT please remove the first X rows as the payment record for them was created.
And if all goes well you will see a successful message like below
Download the payment.csv template to use.
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